2.1 Perkembangan Pembangunan `Gated Community’ dan `Guarded Neighbourhood’
Kewujudan skim guarded neighbourhood (GN) secara `ad-hoc’ tanpa kawalan dan pemantauan telah menimbulkan pelbagai masalah kepada komuniti setempat dan penduduk sekitar. Pembinaan pondok pengawal di pintu masuk, pemasangan halangan dalam bentuk sekatan manual dan `automated boom gate’ di laluan jalanraya awam, pembinaan `perimeter fencing’ dalam bentuk tembok atau `chain link’ serta keperluan pihak awam menyerahkan dokumen pengenalan diri seperti kad pengenalan atau lesen memandu kepada pengawal keselamatan adalah antara permasalahan yang timbul akibat daripada terbentuknya skim-skim GN.
Memandangkan pertumbuhan skim `gated community’ dan `guarded neighbourhood’ terus berleluasa, maka penggubalan satu garis panduan perancangan adalah perlu. Langkah ini akan membantu proses pertimbangan permohonan skim GC dan penguatkuasaan skim GN oleh PBT.
2.2 Definisi ‘Gated Community’
GC boleh didefinisikan sebagai suatu kumpulan penduduk atau komuniti yang tinggal di kawasan berpagar dan berpengawal sama ada di kawasan bangunan kediaman berbilang tingkat (high-rise property) seperti pangsapuri, kondominium dan `town-house’ atau di kawasan kediaman bertanah (landed property) seperti banglo, teres dan rumah berkembar. Walau bagaimanapun, tafsiran `gated community’ lebih tertumpu kepada kumpulan penduduk atau komuniti yang tinggal di kawasan kediaman bertanah berhakmilik strata.
Secara umum, ia merupakan satu skim kediaman tertutup dengan tembok / pagar mengelilingi keseluruhan kawasan kediaman, mempunyai akses keluarmasuk yang terhad dan terkawal serta mempunyai kemudahan harta bersama (common property).
Skim GC boleh diklasifikasikan berdasarkan ciri-ciri berikut:
i. Pembangunan hartanah kediaman bertanah (landed) yang meliputi rumah banglo, berkembar, teres dan sebagainya yang dibangunkan di atas satu lot tanah utama dengan pecahan kepada petak tanah (land parcel) kecil dengan pemilikan tanah secara hakmilik strata.
ii. Pembangunan yang eksklusif dikelilingi oleh pagar atau tembok yang dijadikan sempadan dengan kawasan pembangunan atau kediaman bersebelahan.
iii. Mempunyai akses keluar-masuk yang terhad dan sistem kawalan keselamatan 24 jam sama ada menggunakan pengawal keselamatan atau penggunaan CCTV atau kedua-duanya.
iv. Mempunyai beberapa komponen kemudahan harta bersama seperti rumah kelab, kolam renang dan kawasan rekreasi / taman permainan yang hanya boleh digunakan oleh penghuni skim berkenaan.
v. Mempunyai sistem pengurusan dan penyelenggaraan sendiri yang diselia oleh badan pengurusan (management corporation) yang dilantik oleh penghuni selaras dengan peruntukan Akta Bangunan dan Harta Bersama (Penyelenggaraan dan Pengurusan) 2007 (Akta 663).
2.3 Definisi ‘Guarded Neighbourhood’
GN boleh didefinisikan sebagai satu kawasan kediaman terkawal secara keseluruhan atau sebahagian di dalam skim-skim perumahan sedia ada atau baru yang pegangan tanahnya berhakmilik individu (individual land title). Skim GN menyediakan perkhidmatan kawalan keselamatan sama ada dengan atau tanpa pondok pengawal. Dari segi undang-undang, ia tidak boleh mempunyai halangan fizikal di atas jalan awam dan menguatkuasakan sebarang sekatan keluar-masuk kepada penghuni dan orang ramai.
Kewujudan GN adalah tidak berdasarkan kepada peruntukan mana-mana undang-undang atau peraturan. Ia hanya wujud secara `ad-hoc’ berdasarkan persetujuan penghuni-penghuni di sesebuah kawasan kejiranan untuk menjadikan kejiranan mereka sebagai kawasan berpengawal (guarded).
2.4 Isu-Isu Pembangunan ‘Gated Community’ dan `Guarded Neighbourhood’
Terdapat beberapa isu perancangan yang sering ditimbulkan berkaitan dengan pembangunan skim GC dan dan skim GN.
Antaranya ialah:
i. Kewujudan skim GC dan skim GN boleh memberi implikasi negatif kepada pengasingan kelompok masyarakat dan pemupukan interaksi sosial penduduk khususnya di antara penghuni yang tinggal di kawasan berpagar dengan penghuni yang tinggal di kawasan kediaman biasa.
ii. Pembinaan pondok pengawal yang tidak terancang, pemasangan sekatan dan halangan fizikal serta keperluan menyerah dokumen pengenalan diri secara tidak sah, khususnya di kawasan GN boleh menghalang daya aksessibiliti dan menimbulkan kesukaran kepada pihak berkuasa dan orang ramai untuk keluar-masuk ke skim-skim kediaman.
iii. Rekabentuk, ketinggian dan saiz pagar yang dibina, khususnya di sekeliling kawasan skim GC telah menghalang pandangan (permeability) daripada luar. Keadaan ini menyukarkan pemantauan keselamatan serta mencacatkan pemandangan dan estetika keseluruhan kawasan pemajuan.
Pembangunan skim GC perlu mematuhi kawalan am perancangan sebagaimana berikut:
· Pembangunan GC hanya dibenarkan di lokasi-lokasi tertentu dan hanya terhad di kawasan bandar.
· Cadangan membangunkan skim GC perlu ditentukan di dalam pelan susunatur pembangunan, khususnya bagi cadangan pemajuan kediaman berskala besar dan tertakluk kepada kelulusan kebenaran merancang oleh pihak berkuasa perancang tempatan (PBPT).
· Luas minimum kawasan yang boleh dipertimbangkan untuk pembangunan skim GC ialah 1.0 hektar. Bagi pembangunan skim GC yang mempunyai banyak skim, luas maksimum bagi setiap skim adalah 10.0 hektar.
· Kemudahan-kemudahan harta bersama (common property) termasuk jalan dalam skim GC adalah milik komuniti skim tersebut dan ianya perlu diselenggara sendiri oleh penghuni melalui perbadanan pengurusan yang dilantik.
· Pembinaan sebarang tembok atau pagar yang mengasingkan sepenuhnya di antara penduduk GC dan bukan GC adalah tidak dibenarkan.
· Penilaian Impak Sosial (SIA) sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan di dalam subseksyen 21A(1A) Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 (Akta 172) perlu disediakan sebelum pemajuan GC diberi pertimbangan oleh PBPT.
6.1 Saiz Keluasan Pembangunan
Justifikasi penetapan keluasan kawasan 1.0 hektar (minimum) hingga 10.0 hektar (maksimum):
§ Memudahkan perbadanan pengurusan (MC) menyelenggara dan menguruskan kawasan GC dengan lebih sistematik.
§ Membolehkan penyediaan kemudahan awam berhirarki rendah diletakkan di dalam kawasan GC. § Memudahkan akses dan tidak menyekat / menghalang akses orang ramai ke kawasan pembangunan sekitar.
Justifikasi jumlah kediaman 200-500 unit bagi sesebuah skim GC:
§ Jumlah unit yang sesuai bagi menampung perkongsian kos penyelenggaraan skim GC.
§ Mengambilkira pembangunan secara bercampur antara perumahan bertanah (landed strata) dengan perumahan berbilang tingkat (high-rise strata).
6.3 Lokasi Pembangunan
§ GC hanya boleh dibangunkan di kawasan yang mempunyai kadar jenayah yang tinggi adalah untuk melindungi penghuni GC daripada sebarang risiko jenayah yang tidak diduga.
§ Kawasan perkampungan tidak dibenarkan bagi mengelak wujudnya pengasingan sosial yang ketara antara masyarakat di dalam dan di luar GC.
6.6 Pembinaan Pagar / Tembok
Justifikasi minimum 50% `permeability’:
§ Memudahkan pemantauan keselamatan ke dalam kawasan GC oleh pihak keselamatan (polis). § Menggalakkan interaksi antara masyarakat GC dan bukan GC.
6.7 Laluan Keluar-Masuk
Pemasangan ‘boom gate’ di pintu masuk adalah tidak dibenarkan jika ia melibatkan jalanraya awam.
i. Sekurang-kurangnya 2 pintu (laluan) masuk perlu disediakan.
6.9 Landskap dan Penanaman Pokok
ii. Pemaju perlu memaklumkan secara jelas kepada pembeli rumah tentang kos-kos penyelenggaraan landskap yang perlu ditanggung oleh mereka.
6.11 Penyediaan Tempat Letak Kereta / Motosikal
Tempat letak kereta / motosikal untuk pelawat perlu ditandakan di dalam pelan permohonan kebenaran merancang dan pelan bangunan.
ii. Pembelian dan pemilikan unit rumah mestilah termasuk kemudahan tempat letak kereta selaras dengan yang terkandung dalam kelulusan Kebenaran Merancang dan Pelan Bangunan.
ii. Rumah teres
§ 1 rumah : 2 Tempat Letak Kereta + 10% untuk pelawat
6.12 Laluan Khas Utiliti
i. Laluan utiliti seperti elektrik (TNB), laluan telefon, bekalan air, gas dan sistem pembetungan perlu disediakan bagi memudahkan perkhidmatan tersebut dapat disediakan dengan baik.
i. Laluan khas utiliti selebar 2.5 meter (8.2 kaki) perlu disediakan di dalam kawasan GC
6.13 Perletakan Kemudahan Awam
Hanya kemudahan tertentu boleh diletakkan dalam GC seperti taman permainan kanak-kanak, dewan komuniti, rumah kelab, kolam renang.
§ Kemudahan awam peringkat tinggi seperti masjid, sekolah dan padang bola perlu diletakkan di luar GC supaya dapat digunakan secara bersama oleh masyarakat.
Penubuhan skim GN adalah tidak tertakluk kepada mana-mana peruntukan undang-undang. Bagi tujuan pemantauan dan pengawalseliaan oleh pihak berkuasa, khususnya Kementerian Dalam Negeri, PBT, Pejabat Tanah Daerah dan PDRM, terdapat beberapa syarat dan kawalan yang perlu dipatuhi oleh persatuan penduduk kejiranan sedia ada atau kejiranan baru di dalam menubuh dan menjalankan operasi GN.
7.1 Kawalan Am Perancangan
§ Skim GN hanya dibenarkan di kawasan bandar (di dalam kawasan operasi PBT), khususnya di kawasan yang kurang selamat (mempunyai kadar jenayah yang tinggi berdasarkan rekod pihak polis). PBT dicadangkan mendapat pandangan daripada pihak PDRM dalam meneliti sebarang cadangan penubuhan GN oleh persatuan penduduk.
§ GN tidak dibenarkan jika di dalam kawasan kejiranan terdapat komponen-komponen kemudahan awam utama seperti sekolah, masjid, dewan orang ramai dan sebagainya serta jika merupakan kawasan laluan pengangkutan bas awam.
§ PBT boleh menentukan bilangan unit rumah (minimum dan maksimum) dalam sesuatu skim GN bagi memastikan ianya dapat dikawal dan diurus dengan berkesan.
7.2 Syarat Asas Penubuhan
§ Cadangan menubuhkan GN perlu dimaklumkan kepada PBT yang berkenaan melalui persatuan penduduk (RA) yang berdaftar dengan Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan (RoS).
§ Semua premis kediaman yang hendak dijadikan sebagai GN mestilah telah mendapat Perakuan Kelayakan Menduduki (CFO) atau Perakuan Siap dan Pematuhan (CCC).
§ Cadangan untuk mewujudkan GN perlu mendapat persetujuan majoriti penduduk (ketua isi rumah), tertakluk kepada tiada sebarang paksaan dan tekanan kepada penduduk yang tidak bersetuju.
§ Pihak persatuan penduduk perlu mengemukakan dokumen berkenaan dengan persetujuan penduduk dan lain-lain maklumat yang diperlukan kepada PBT dan pihak-pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan.
7.4 Pembinaan Pagar
§ Pembinaan pagar (perimeter fencing) mengelilingi kawasan sempadan skim kejiranan adalah tidak dibenarkan.
7.5 Pengawal Keselamatan
§ Syarikat pengawal keselamatan yang dilantik perlu berdaftar dengan Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Syarat-syarat bagi pengambilan pekerja dan pengawal keselamatan adalah sebagaimana di Lampiran 1.
7.6 Pelepasan Status
§ Cadangan pelepasan atau pembubaran status GN kepada status asal (tidak berpengawal) oleh persatuan penduduk perlu dimaklumkan kepada PBT.
Lampiran 1
1. Pengambilan Pekerja dan Pengawal
(a) Hanya warganegara Malaysia sahaja dibenarkan untuk diambil bekerja. Pengambilan pekerja-pekerja di semua peringkat hendaklah mencerminkan masyarakat Malaysia.
(b) Satu perlima (1/5) daripada pengawal-pengawal keselamatan Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan dikehendaki terdiri daripada bekas Polis dan bekas Tentera.
(c) Pekerja-pekerja hendaklah diambil dari mereka yang mempunyai watak yang baik.
(d) Hanya warganegara asing bekas tentera warganegara Nepal sahaja yang dibenarkan untuk bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan.
(e) Pengawal beruniform mestilah sekurang-kurangnya berukuran 1.57 meter (5’ 2’’) tinggi bagi lelaki dan 1.52 meter (5’) bagi wanita, manakala 47.6 kg. (105 paun) bagi lelaki dan 46.2 kg (102 paun) bagi wanita.
(f) Pengambilan pekerja dan pengawal keselamatan mestilah mendapat kelulusan tapisan keselamatan dari Polis dan lulus ujian air kencing.
(g) Pengambilan pengawal keselamatan berumur lebih 60 tahun tidak dibenarkan. Bagi pengawal yang berumur 56 tahun dan ke atas hendaklah mendapat pengesahan dari doktor mengenai tahap kesihatannya.
(h) Pengambilan pengawal hendaklah sihat dan pengesahan dari doktor adalah diperlukan bagi setiap pengawal yang diambil bekerja.
(i) Semua pengawal keselamatan diwajibkan menjalani ujian air kencing di mana-mana klinik kesihatan dalam tempoh 7 hari (bekerja) dari tarikh ia dilantik sebagai pengawal keselamatan. Bagi pemeriksaan kesihatan yang lain ia tertakluk kepada syarat yang ditetapkan oleh syarikat.
(j) Seseorang pemohon hanya boleh memulakan tugas sebagai pengawal keselamatan selepas 7 hari (bekerja) dari tarikh ia dilantik sebagai pengawal keselamatan. Ia perlu diberikan latihan in-house tidak kurang dari seminggu sebelum memulakan tugas di tempat yang bersesuaian.
(k) Hanya pengawal yang telah lulus tapisan keselamatan dan ujian air kencing dibenarkan bekerja.
(l) Semua pengawal keselamatan hendaklah mengikuti kursus asas pengawal keselamatan yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri dalam tempoh 3 bulan setelah pengawal diambil bekerja.
(m) Pengambilan pekerja secara kontrak tidak dibenarkan.
2. Alat-Alat dan Pakaian Pengawal
(a) Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan yang diberi kebenaran memiliki senjata api oleh Polis adalah dikehendaki melaporkan kepada Kementerian Dalam Negeri bilangan dan jenis senjata api yang dimiliki pada setiap tahun.
(b) Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan yang dibenarkan memiliki senjata api adalah dikehendaki menyediakan sebuah bilik kebal ataupun peti besi yang sesuai untuk menyimpan senjata dan peluru dengan selamat.
(c) Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan yang dibenarkan memiliki senjata api dan peluru adalah dikehendaki menyimpan buku daftar untuk merekodkan pergerakan keluar masuk senjata api.
(d) Anggota Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan yang dibenarkan membawa dan mengguna senjata api hendaklah diberi latihan yang cukup tentang cara membawa, mengguna, menjaga dan menyimpan senjata api. Latihan menembak hendaklah diadakan dari semasa ke semasa, sekurang-kurangnya dua kali setahun.
(e) Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan hendaklah menggunakan senjata api miliknya sendiri untuk tujuan kawalan. Senjata api kepunyaan pengawal atau senjata api RELA adalah dilarang sama sekali daripada digunakan. Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya agensi itu hendak menggunakannya juga, kelulusan Polis adalah diperlukan untuk meminda syarat kegunaan senjata api berkenaan.
(f) Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan tidak dibenarkan menggunakan gari.
(g) Pengawal-pengawal keselamatan hendaklah memakai pakaian seragam yang ditetapkan iaitu :
Kombinasi 1:
Warna Baju Kemeja: Beige (kod warna : MS 888 14)
Warna Seluar: Hitam (kod warna : MS 888 9)
Kombinasi 2:
Warna Baju Kemeja: Putih (kod warna : MS 888 8)
Warna Seluar: Biru Gelap (kod warna : MS 888 8021)
Kombinasi 3:
Warna Baju Kemeja: Kelabu Biru (kod warna : MS 888 8005)
Warna Seluar: Biru Gelap (kod warna : MS 888 8021)
Warna-warna lain tidak dibenarkan. Lambang atau lencana syarikat hendaklah dipakai di pakaian seragam semasa menjalankan tugas. Lencana atau lambang yang digunakan hendaklah mendapat kelulusan daripada Kementerian Dalam Negeri.
(h) Penggunaan sistem pemantauan berpusat (Central Monitoring System) perlu mendapat kelulusan Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan pihak Polis.
3. Cawangan / Pejabat Operasi
(a) Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan tidak dibenarkan membuka cawangancawangan atau operasi tanpa kelulusan dari Menteri Dalam Negeri.
(b) Lesen Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan tidak sekali-kali dibenarkan untuk dipajak atau disewakan.
(c) Pejabat-pejabat cawangan atau operasi hendaklah mendapat tapisan keselamatan dan taksiran kesesuaian oleh Polis.
4. Seseorang Pengarah Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan adalah dilarang menjadi Pengarah kepada lebih dari sebuah syarikat Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan yang diperbadankan di bawah Akta Syarikat No. 79/65 tanpa kebenaran Menteri Dalam Negeri.
5. Sebarang pertukaran Pengerusi, Pengarah Urusan / Pengarah Eksekutif, Pengarah dan Pemegang Saham hendaklah mendapat kelulusan terlebih dahulu daripada Menteri Dalam Negeri dengan menyatakan sebab-sebab penukaran perlu dibuat.
6. Persetujuan dari Kementerian Dalam Negeri hendaklah diperoleh terlebih dahulu oleh Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan untuk menukar nama, alamat cawangan / operasi, urusan perkongsian (partnership) dan urusan syarikat (corporation) yang diperbadankan di bawah Akta Syarikat No. 79/65 atau sebaliknya.
7. Daftar Syarikat
(a) Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan hendaklah mengemukakan, tidak lewat daripada 7hb. pada tiap-tiap bulan Daftar Pekerja melalui Borang F menurut Kaedah 9 di bawah Kaedah-kaedah Agensi Persendirian 1970 dengan maklumat tambahan yang berikut :
(i) Nombor keahlian Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP);
(ii) Nombor polisi insurans PERKESO bagi tiap-tiap pekerja;
(iii) Butir-butir mengenai pekerja-pekerja yang terdiri dari bekas Polis dan Bekas Tentera;
(iv) Daftar Pekerja di cawangan hendaklah dikirim secara berasingan;
(v) Mengemukakan daftar pekerja warganegara Nepal mengikut format yang telah ditetapkan oleh KDN.
8. Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan hendaklah mematuhi semua undang-undang pekerjaan seperti Akta Kerja 1955.
9. Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan dikehendaki mengemukakan Laporan Tahunan bersama Kira-Kira Tahunan yang telah diaudit tidak lewat daripada 31hb Mac dalam tahun yang berikutnya.
10. Struktur pemilikan saham / ekuiti dalam sesebuah syarikat yang diperbadankan di bawah Akta Syarikat No. 79/65 hendaklah selaras dengan dasar-dasar Kerajaan.
11. Sebarang pemindahan saham syarikat Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan hendaklah terlebih dahulu mendapat persetujuan Menteri Dalam Negeri.
12. Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan hendaklah bersedia membekalkan sebarang maklumat yang diperlukan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri berkaitan dengan perniagaan yang dijalankan, pada bila-bila masa sahaja ianya diminta.
13. Penggunaan anjing untuk tujuan menjalankan kawalan adalah tidak dibenarkan kecuali dengan persetujuan Kementerian Dalam Negeri.
14. Setiap Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan adalah dikehendaki mengambil perlindungan insurans bagi anggota pengawal dan barang yang dikawal.
15. Agensi Perkhidmatan Kawalan hendaklah menjadi Ahli Persatuan Perkhidmatan Kawalan Keselamatan Malaysia (PPKKM). Semua Ahli Persatuan hendaklah mematuhi garis panduan yang dikeluarkan oleh PPKKM antaranya tawaran sebut harga.
16. Kegagalan mematuhi mana-mana syarat yang telah ditetapkan di atas akan mengakibatkan penarikan balik lesen agensi berkenaan.
Sumber: Surat Pekeliling Agensi Persendirian Bil. 1 Tahun 2006, Kementerian Dalam Negeri, 2006.
Nota: Untuk perincian lanjut bagi perkara berkaitan dengan syarat-syarat syarikat kawalan keselamatan persendirian dan garis panduan pengambilan bekas tentera warganegara Nepal untuk bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan, sila merujuk kepada Surat Pekeliling Agensi Persendirian Bil. 1 Tahun 2006 dan Surat Pekeliling Agensi Persendirian Bil. 2 Tahun 2006 yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri (http:
JPBD Semenanjung Malaysia
Garis Panduan Perancangan ‘Gated Community and Guarded Neighbourhood’
Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi:
Pengarah Bahagian Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Semenanjung Malaysia
Tel: 03-2698 9211 Faks: 03-2693 3964 E-mail: Laman web:
Garis panduan ini disediakan bagi membantu pihak berkuasa negeri (PBN), pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) dan agensi-agensi teknikal di dalam merancang dan mengawal pembangunan perumahan berkonsepkan ‘gated community’ (GC) dan ‘guarded neighbourhood’ (GN).
Garis panduan ini juga memberi panduan asas kepada pemaju dan persatuan penduduk di dalam membangunkan skim ‘gated community’ dan menubuhkan skim ‘guarded neighbourhood’.
2.1 Perkembangan Pembangunan `Gated Community’ dan `Guarded Neighbourhood’
Keperluan untuk mendapatkan tahap keselamatan yang lebih baik telah menarik penduduk, khususnya di kawasan bandar untuk memilih skim-skim kediaman yang menawarkan sistem kawalan keselamatan secara berpagar (gated) dan berpengawal (guarded).
Selain daripada skim-skim kediaman berbilang tingkat (high-rise) berhakmilik strata, pembangunan hartanah kediaman bertanah (landed property) yang memperkenalkan konsep `gated and guarded community’ turut dan mula menjadi pilihan dan tarikan penduduk.
Pembangunan skim kediaman ini semakin berkembang dan menjadi suatu fenomena dalam industri perumahan negara. Perkembangan skim `gated and guarded community’ yang pesat terutamanya di kawasan Lembah Kelang, Pulau Pinang dan Johor Bahru jelas membuktikan bahawa sambutan penduduk kepada pembangunan skim ini semakin meningkat, malah telah menjadi `trend’ dalam pemilikan hartanah kediaman.
Keadaan ini telah membawa kepada pindaan Akta Hakmilik Strata 1985 (Akta 318) pada tahun 2007. Peruntukan subseksyen 6(1A) Akta 318 membenarkan skim kediaman bertanah (landed) yang dibina di atas satu lot utama (master title) dibuat pecahan kepada petak-petak tanah kecil (land parcel) dengan pegangan tanah secara hakmilik strata.
Melalui pegangan hakmilik strata, ia membolehkan keseluruhan skim pembangunan diurus dan diselenggara oleh pemilik melalui perbadanan pengurusan yang dilantik. Sebagaimana skim kediaman berbilang tingkat, kediaman bertanah berhakmilik strata (landed strata) dilengkapi dengan kemudahan harta bersama dan pagar yang mengelilingi keseluruhan sempadan lot utama.
Kewujudan pagar bagi tujuan pengawalan keselamatan penghuni menjadikan skim ini dikenali sebagai `gated community scheme’ (GACOS).
Selain daripada kewujudan skim gated community (GC) yang pada asasnya selari dengan peruntukan Akta 318, skim-skim kejiranan berpengawal (guarded neighbourhood) juga terbentuk di kawasan-kawasan kediaman sedia ada dan kawasan kediaman baru sama ada di kawasan bandar mahupun di pinggir bandar.
Kewujudan skim guarded neighbourhood (GN) secara `ad-hoc’ tanpa kawalan dan pemantauan telah menimbulkan pelbagai masalah kepada komuniti setempat dan penduduk sekitar. Pembinaan pondok pengawal di pintu masuk, pemasangan halangan dalam bentuk sekatan manual dan `automated boom gate’ di laluan jalanraya awam, pembinaan `perimeter fencing’ dalam bentuk tembok atau `chain link’ serta keperluan pihak awam menyerahkan dokumen pengenalan diri seperti kad pengenalan atau lesen memandu kepada pengawal keselamatan adalah antara permasalahan yang timbul akibat daripada terbentuknya skim-skim GN.
Memandangkan pertumbuhan skim `gated community’ dan `guarded neighbourhood’ terus berleluasa, maka penggubalan satu garis panduan perancangan adalah perlu. Langkah ini akan membantu proses pertimbangan permohonan skim GC dan penguatkuasaan skim GN oleh PBT.
2.2 Definisi ‘Gated Community’
GC boleh didefinisikan sebagai suatu kumpulan penduduk atau komuniti yang tinggal di kawasan berpagar dan berpengawal sama ada di kawasan bangunan kediaman berbilang tingkat (high-rise property) seperti pangsapuri, kondominium dan `town-house’ atau di kawasan kediaman bertanah (landed property) seperti banglo, teres dan rumah berkembar.
Walau bagaimanapun, tafsiran `gated community’ lebih tertumpu kepada kumpulan penduduk atau komuniti yang tinggal di kawasan kediaman bertanah berhakmilik strata. Secara umum, ia merupakan satu skim kediaman tertutup dengan tembok / pagar mengelilingi keseluruhan kawasan kediaman, mempunyai akses keluarmasuk yang terhad dan terkawal serta mempunyai kemudahan harta bersama (common property).
Skim GC boleh diklasifikasikan berdasarkan ciri-ciri berikut:
i. Pembangunan hartanah kediaman bertanah (landed) yang meliputi rumah banglo, berkembar, teres dan sebagainya yang dibangunkan di atas satu lot tanah utama dengan pecahan kepada petak tanah (land parcel) kecil dengan pemilikan tanah secara hakmilik strata.
ii. Pembangunan yang eksklusif dikelilingi oleh pagar atau tembok yang dijadikan sempadan dengan kawasan pembangunan atau kediaman bersebelahan.
iii. Mempunyai akses keluar-masuk yang terhad dan sistem kawalan keselamatan 24 jam sama ada menggunakan pengawal keselamatan atau penggunaan CCTV atau kedua-duanya.
iv. Mempunyai beberapa komponen kemudahan harta bersama seperti rumah kelab, kolam renang dan kawasan rekreasi / taman permainan yang hanya boleh digunakan oleh penghuni skim berkenaan.
v. Mempunyai sistem pengurusan dan penyelenggaraan sendiri yang diselia oleh badan pengurusan (management corporation) yang dilantik oleh penghuni selaras dengan peruntukan Akta Bangunan dan Harta Bersama (Penyelenggaraan dan Pengurusan) 2007 (Akta 663).
2.3 Definisi ‘Guarded Neighbourhood’
GN boleh didefinisikan sebagai satu kawasan kediaman terkawal secara keseluruhan atau sebahagian di dalam skim-skim perumahan sedia ada atau baru yang pegangan tanahnya berhakmilik individu (individual land title).
Skim GN menyediakan perkhidmatan kawalan keselamatan sama ada dengan atau tanpa pondok pengawal. Dari segi undang-undang, ia tidak boleh mempunyai halangan fizikal di atas jalan awam dan menguatkuasakan sebarang sekatan keluar-masuk kepada penghuni dan orang ramai.
Kewujudan GN adalah tidak berdasarkan kepada peruntukan mana-mana undang-undang atau peraturan. Ia hanya wujud secara `ad-hoc’ berdasarkan persetujuan penghuni-penghuni di sesebuah kawasan kejiranan untuk menjadikan kejiranan mereka sebagai kawasan berpengawal (guarded).
2.4 Isu-Isu Pembangunan ‘Gated Community’ dan `Guarded Neighbourhood’
Terdapat beberapa isu perancangan yang sering ditimbulkan berkaitan dengan pembangunan skim GC dan dan skim GN.
Antaranya ialah:
i. Kewujudan skim GC dan skim GN boleh memberi implikasi negatif kepada pengasingan kelompok masyarakat dan pemupukan interaksi sosial penduduk khususnya di antara penghuni yang tinggal di kawasan berpagar dengan penghuni yang tinggal di kawasan kediaman biasa.
ii. Pembinaan pondok pengawal yang tidak terancang, pemasangan sekatan dan halangan fizikal serta keperluan menyerah dokumen pengenalan diri secara tidak sah, khususnya di kawasan GN boleh menghalang daya aksessibiliti dan menimbulkan kesukaran kepada pihak berkuasa dan orang ramai untuk keluar-masuk ke skim-skim kediaman.
iii. Rekabentuk, ketinggian dan saiz pagar yang dibina, khususnya di sekeliling kawasan skim GC telah menghalang pandangan (permeability) daripada luar. Keadaan ini menyukarkan pemantauan keselamatan serta mencacatkan pemandangan dan estetika keseluruhan kawasan pemajuan.
Skop utama garis panduan ini adalah tertumpu kepada pembangunan skim ‘gated community’ yang dimajukan mengikut Akta 318. Ia meliputi penjelasan tentang prinsip-prinsip perancangan yang perlu dicapai serta garis panduan-garis panduan umum dan khusus dari aspek perancangan fizikal, undang-undang serta keperluan sosial yang perlu dipatuhi bagi memastikan pembangunan GC tidak menimbulkan masalah dalam tempoh jangka panjang.
Garis panduan ini juga menggariskan langkah-langkah kawalan serta syarat-syarat bagi memandu persatuan penduduk di kawasan kejiranan sedia ada dan baru dalam menubuhkan GN dan membantu PBT memantau dan mengawal selia penubuhan dan operasi skim-skim GN.
Pembangunan skim GC perlu mengambilkira dan memberi perhatian kepada aspek keselamatan, keselesaan, kebersihan, kejiranan dan pembentukan komuniti mampan sebagaimana berikut:
i. Persekitaran tempat tinggal yang selamat, kondusif dan selesa Pembangunan GC perlu menyediakan ruang persekitaran yang selamat daripada sebarang pencerobohan fizikal serta unsur-unsur jenayah. GC perlu memberi peluang kepada penghuni untuk menikmati kehidupan `privacy’ serta bebas dari kacau ganggu.
ii. Pengagihan kemudahan secara adil Kemudahan awam yang berkualiti haruslah diletakkan di lokasi yang bersesuaian agar dapat dikongsi oleh semua penduduk dalam komuniti.
iii. Budaya kebersihan dan mencintai keindahan Mewujudkan persekitaran yang bersih dan indah yang dapat memberikan keselesaan dan keharmonian kepada seluruh penduduk dalam komuniti.
iv. Menggalakkan kemesraan dan interaksi sosial Menyediakan kemudahan-kemudahan yang menggalakkan berlakunya interaksi positif antara masyarakat dalam kawasan GC seperti penyediaan taman permainan kanakkanak, rumah kelab dan sebagainya.
Pembangunan skim GC perlu mematuhi kawalan am perancangan sebagaimana berikut:
· Pembangunan GC hanya dibenarkan di lokasi-lokasi tertentu dan hanya terhad di kawasan bandar.
· Cadangan membangunkan skim GC perlu ditentukan di dalam pelan susunatur pembangunan, khususnya bagi cadangan pemajuan kediaman berskala besar dan tertakluk kepada kelulusan kebenaran merancang oleh pihak berkuasa perancang tempatan (PBPT).
· Luas minimum kawasan yang boleh dipertimbangkan untuk pembangunan skim GC ialah 1.0 hektar. Bagi pembangunan skim GC yang mempunyai banyak skim, luas maksimum bagi setiap skim adalah 10.0 hektar.
· Kemudahan-kemudahan harta bersama (common property) termasuk jalan dalam skim GC adalah milik komuniti skim tersebut dan ianya perlu diselenggara sendiri oleh penghuni melalui perbadanan pengurusan yang dilantik.
· Pembinaan sebarang tembok atau pagar yang mengasingkan sepenuhnya di antara penduduk GC dan bukan GC adalah tidak dibenarkan.
· Penilaian Impak Sosial (SIA) sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan di dalam subseksyen 21A(1A) Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 (Akta 172) perlu disediakan sebelum pemajuan GC diberi pertimbangan oleh PBPT.
The Ministry of Housing and Local Government, through the Town and Country Planning Department, has come up with a guideline for Gated Community and Guarded Neighborhood.
This guideline, approved by the Cabinet and the Majlis Negara bagi Kerajaan Tempatan on 28 July and 2 September 2010 respectively, will be tabled at individual State Planning Committee for adoption and implementation at the state level.
The table below is a summary of the differences between a Gated Community (GC) and Guarded Neighborhood (GN).
Gated Community (With Strata Title)
A group of residents or community living within a gated and guarded residential area, be it high-rise property such as apartment, condominium or townhouses or landed property such as bungalows, terrace, link or semi-detached houses with strata titles.
Limited to urban areas.
Size of the scheme is between 1ha and 10ha, or 200-500 units.
Schemes larger than 10ha needs to be broken into smaller schemes.
Cannot build embankment that separates GC and non GC completely.
Social impact assessment must be done.
Allocate space for interaction in the environmental design.
Managed by a Management Corporation.
Prepare two entrance-exit points, one as main entrance and the other for emergency.
Perimeter fencing of height not more than 9 feet, with at least 50% visible.
Entrance equipped by CCTV and road humps.
Boom gate cannot be erected on public roads.
Guardhouse size of 1.8m x 2.4m is allowed to be built within the GC.
The houses cannot be more than 4 levels (18.5 meters) from basement.
Visitor’s parking must be allocated.
Provision of common facilities.
Guarded Neighbourhood (w/ Individual Title)
A partially or fully controlled area in existing or new housing schemes with individual land titles. The schemes provide security with or without guardhouses. Cannot place physical obstacles on the roads and stop residents and the public from exiting and entering the areas.
Limited to urban areas, in particular, areas with high crime rate.
Local councils can control the number of units in a scheme to ensure proper control and effective management.
Not allowed in neighbourhood with public facilities, or part of public bus route.
Establishment of GN needs to be proposed by registered Residents Association and
supported by majority of the residents and submitted to local councils.
Perimeter fencing is not allowed.
Temporary physical obstacles, such as manual boom gate, cones, etc, can be considered
provided guards are stationed at the locations 24 hours.
Closing of backlanes and sidelines is prohibited.
Guardhouse size not bigger than 1.8m x 2.4m is allowed.
If permanent guardhouse is to be erected on road shoulders, a Temporary Occupation
License (TOL) must be obtained from the land office.
Guards need to registered with Home Ministry.
Source: The Starmetro,
Thursday 14th Oct 2010
What Is A Gated & Guarded Community?
In Malaysia, a gated and guarded community (‘GACOS’) or gated community housing scheme refers to a cluster of houses or buildings where its facilities and services including the infrastructure (roads, drains, etc.) within the premises are privately managed and owned.
Usually, the premises are surrounded by walls or fences on a perimeter with the entry of the premises controlled by certain security restrictions such as security guards, boom gates or barriers which normally includes 24 hours security, guard patrols, central monitoring systems and CCTVs. The Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2007 has allowed a gated and guarded community to be statutorily created and regulated more effectively like other types of strata schemes.
On the other hand, a guarded community refers to a community via their Resident Association (RA) that (after obtaining the consensus from the local Authority and the relevant Officer in Command Police District, OCPD) has engaged private security patrolling public the roads in their housing area. Under the law, it is not allowed to privately attempt to close, barricade or restrict the access of a public road, drain or space without the approval of the relevant Authority.
In recognition of a growing problem of security, various local authorities and state governments have issued guidelines for guarded communities. These guidelines do allow erection of guard houses and the employment of private security based on 85% consent by the residents in the area affected. For example, in Selangor, the Selangor Housing and Property Board and the local authorities allow guard houses to be built on the following guidelines:
Applications made through RA only;
Consent by 85% of the residents; (revised to 100% consent requirement in 2017)
Agreement must be made between RA and Local Authority;
Guard house without barrier are allowed and the location should not obstruct traffic (situated at road shoulder only);
The size of the guard house should not exceed 6ft x 8ft or other sizes that the Local Authority thinks fit and suitable;
The location and design of the guard house must be approved by the Local Authority;
A written consent from Local Authority and Land Administrator (LA) for the construction of guard house on reserved road/vacant land must first be obtained;
Appointed security guards must be registered with Ministry of Home Affairs or with other relevant agencies;
Not to prevent/obstruct passing vehicles from entering the guarded area; and
LA and other utility companies are free to conduct their maintenance work in the guarded area.
Law And Realty: Gated And Guarded Communities
GATED and guarded community (‘GACOS’) housing schemes are getting more popular. In some areas, residents have even taken to restricting access to public roads, providing guard posts to try to reduce crime.
In other cases, developers see profit in selling exclusivity and security by GACOS and readily exhort the virtues of a gated and guarded community lifestyle in their glossy advertising. Whatever the social impact of GACOS, this trend is on the rise and there is a growing market for it.
For our purposes, a reference to GACOS or gated communities means the particular development, its facilities and services including the infrastructure (roads, drains, etc) within the development are privately managed and owned. Usually some form of physical barrier surrounds the boundaries to the development.
Essentially, it is a “privatisation” of public spaces or spaces that would normally be managed by public authorities. By contrast, guarded communities refer to communities where residents employ private security to provide security services to an area which includes public spaces. This often involves an attempt to restrict or regulate public spaces privately. This would include the erection of barriers on public roads, guardhouses, etc.
We will now examine the legality of these schemes:-
Guarded Communities
It is unlawful to privately attempt to restrict or regulate public spaces without the approval of the relevant authority.
In the case of an attempt to close, barricade or restrict the access of a public road, drain or space, there may be a contravention of Sections 46 (1) of Street Drainage and Building Act 1974, Section 80 of the Road Transport Act 1987 and Section(s) 62 and 136 of the National Land Code 1965.
In addition, provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 may also be violated where guard houses are built in the public land or road shoulders.
For example, Section 46 (1) of the Street Drainage and Building Act 1974 provides that any person who:-
a. builds, erects, set up to maintain or permit to be built, erected or set up or maintained any wall, fence, rail, or any accumulation of any substance, or other obstruction, in any public place;
b. without the prior written permission of the local authority, covers over or obstructs any open drain or aqueduct along the side of any street;
shall be guilty of causing an obstruction and may be arrested without warrant by any police officer or any officer of the local authority authorised in writing in that behalf by local authority and taken before a Magistrate’s Court and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding RM500, and in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding RM1,000.
There is no problem with private security patrolling public roads in a housing scheme under the employment of the residents’ associations.
Nevertheless, the local authority and the relevant OCPD should be consulted first. It has to be noted that erecting structures to restrict access to public roads or guardhouses is another matter and would violate the law unless the relevant authority gives its approval to do so.
In recognition of a growing problem of security, various local authorities and state governments have issued guidelines for guarded communities. These guidelines do allow erection of guard houses and the employment of private security based on 85% consent by the residents in the area affected.
For example, in Selangor, the Selangor Housing and Property Board and the local authorities allow guard houses to be built on the following guidelines:-
i. Applications made through Resident Association (RA) only;
ii. Consent by 85% of the residents; (revised to 100% consent requirement in 2017)
iii. Agreement must be made between RA and Local Authority;
iv. Guard house without barrier are allowed and the location should not obstruct traffic (situated at road shoulder only);
v. The size of the guard house should not exceed 6ft x 8ft or other sizes that the Local Authority thinks fit and suitable;
vi. The location and design of the guard house must be approved by the Local Authority;
vii. A written consent from Local Authority and Land Administrator (LA) for the construction of guard house on reserved road/vacant land must first be obtained;
viii. Appointed security guards must be registered with Ministry of Home Affairs or with other relevant agencies;
ix. Not to prevent/obstruct passing vehicles from entering the guarded area; and
x. LA and other utility companies are free to conduct their maintenance work in the guarded area.
The authorities do sometimes “turn a blind eye” to allow some form of limited barriers as long as they do not deny access nor unduly obstruct traffic and have the overwhelming support of local residents.
Gated Communities
The recent amendments to the Strata Titles Act 1985 (with effect from April 12, 2007) by the Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2007 now allows a GACOS to be statutorily created and regulated more effectively like other types of strata schemes.
As such, land parcels with buildings are now be governed by the Strata Titles Act, in the same way as a high-rise building, if a developer chooses to do so. This means that for the purposes of the Strata Titles Act 1985, land parcels with buildings can in certain circumstances be treated like a multi-storey building lying down on its side. There are several important qualifications though.
The effect of section 5(h) of the Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2007, is that only buildings of not more than four storeys may be erected on the land parcels intended to be subdivided and held under separate strata titles, or an accessory parcel.
Furthermore, any Deed of Mutual Covenants entered into between the developer and a purchaser of a parcel in a GACOS scheme agreement can be now easily enforced as bylaws under the Strata Titles Act 1985.
The enforcement and management can now also be carried out under the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007, when the Management Corporation has not come into existence. This is a huge step forward from the past practice which was problematic to say the least.
The Malaysian Bar
The Sun
by Derek Fernandez
Friday, 29 June 2007
The writer is a member of the Conveyancing Practice Committee, Bar Council, Malaysia
Note: This column is brought to you by the Malaysian Bar Council for your information only.
Legality of Gated and Guarded Communities
It is unlawful to privately attempt to restrict or regulate public spaces without the approval of the relevant authority.
Any attempt to close, barricade or restrict the access of a public road, drain or space, there may be a contravention of Sections 46(1) of Street Drainage and Building Act 1974, Section 80 of the Road Transport Act 1987 and Section(s) 62 and 136 of the National Land Code 1965.
In addition, provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 may also be violated where guard houses are built in the public land or road shoulders.
For example, Section 46(1) of the Street Drainage and Building Act 1974 provides that any person can be held liable if he:-
a. builds, erects, set up to maintain or permit to be built, erected or set up or maintained any wall,
fence, rail, or any accumulation of any substance, or other obstruction, in any public place;
b. without the prior written permission of the local authority, covers over or obstructs any open drain
or aqueduct along the side of any street;
There is no problem with private security patrolling public roads in a housing scheme under the employment of the residents’ associations. Nevertheless, the local authority and the police should be consulted first.
It has to be noted that erecting structures to restrict access to public roads or guardhouses is another matter and would violate the law unless the relevant authority gives its approval to do so.
In recognition of a growing problem of security, various local authorities and state governments have issued guidelines for guarded communities.
These guidelines do allow erection of guard houses and the employment of private security based on the consent by the residents in the area affected.
For example, in Selangor, the Housing and Property Board and the local authorities allow guard houses to be built based on certain guidelines amongst which include:-
· Applications made through the Resident Association (RA) only;
· Consent by 85% of the residents; (revised to 100% consent requirement in 2017)
· Agreement must be made between RA and local authority;
· Guard house without a barrier are allowed and the location should not obstruct traffic (situated at road shoulder only);
· A written consent from Local Authority and Land Administrator (LA) for the construction of guard
house on reserved road/vacant land must first be obtained;
· Appointed security guards must be registered with Ministry of Home Affairs or with other relevant agencies;
The authorities do sometimes “turn a blind eye” to allow some form of limited barriers so long as it is backed by an overwhelming support of the local residents and it does not deny access nor unduly obstruct traffic.
Planning Requirements
A developer may elect to proceed with subdivision of land under the National Land Code 1965, or subdivision of land into land parcels to be held under strata titles, under the Strata Titles Act 1985.
Even if a developer chooses to subdivide the land under the Strata Titles Act 1985, it does not necessary mean that the developer can develop a gated and guarded scheme.
Planning law requirements as well as the State Authority have set out strict guidelines for approving gated and guarded schemes. These guidelines also take into account socio-economic factors in determining whether to allow gated and guarded schemes.
Recent Amendment to the Law
The law governing development of land involving the construction of a building having two or more storey on alienated land held under one lot is governed by the Strata Titles Act 1985. This is probably the reason why a few property developers have adopted the Strata Title Act for their development of the gated community scheme.
The problem that would however arise is when the land development of the gated community scheme involves the construction of buildings that are not feasible to be sub-divided into parcels as provided in the Strata Title Act. For instances bungalow houses, semi-detached houses, double and single storey houses.
The recent amendments to the Strata Titles Act 1985 (with effect from April 12th , 2007) by the Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2007 now allows a gated and guarded communities to be statutorily created and regulated more effectively like other types of strata schemes.
As such, land parcels with buildings are no longer needed to be governed by the Strata Titles Act, in the same way as a high-rise building if a developer chooses to do so. This means that for the purposes of the Strata Titles Act 1985, land parcels with buildings can in certain circumstances be treated like a multi-storey building lying down on its side. There are several important qualifications though.
The effect of the Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2007, is that only buildings of not more than four storey may be erected on the land parcels intended to be subdivided and held under separate strata titles, or an accessory parcel.
Furthermore, any DMC entered into between the developer and a purchaser of a parcel in a gated and guarded community scheme agreement can be now easily enforced by the bylaws under the Strata Titles Act 1985.
The enforcement and management can now also be carried out under the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007, when the Management Corporation has not come into existence. This is a huge step forward from the past practice which was problematic to say the least.
The development of gated and guarded community schemes in Malaysia now seems to be part of the features of the housing industry. It is undoubtful that most of these schemes are of the high cost residential types that will be attractive to developers due to higher returns and the increasing demand from the market, especially in the urban areas like Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Penang and Johore Bahru.
Finally, it must be understood and appreciated that all purchasers of houses in a gated and guarded community will have to pay considerably higher charges for the maintenance, sinking fund, security fees, electricity and water and other services because the cost of all facilities within the boundary of gated and guarded community will have to be borne by them in addition to the usual quit rent and assessment rates levied by the local authorities
By: Jayadeep Hari & Jamil
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Stanley Gabriel
The author is the Head of the Conveyancing Department in Messrs Jayadeep Hari & Jamil. Having been in legal practice for over 12 years, he has vast experience in matters concerning real estate and probate. Copyright Jayadeep Hari & Jamil
Law Regulating Gated And Guarded Communities
Indeed there is currently no law regulating gated and guarded communities unless they are landed strata developments, as verified by prominent legal expert on strata title properties, Lee Kim Noor.
When it comes to gated communities with landed strata titles, the collection of service charges is mandated by the Strata Management Act. When it comes to guarded neighbourhoods with individual titles however, there is no federal law.
There is a state government gazette in Selangor which approves and regulates gated and guarded developments, while the Ministry of Housing has released guidelines on what can be described as gated and guarded.
“The bottom line is there is no law governing the collection of service charges for this type of project except by a contract between the developer and the first purchaser,” says Lee. “After sub sale, the enforcement will be a problem. Without money all the facilities would not be able to be maintained.”
According to the Peninsular Malaysia Town and Country Planning Department, a gated community focuses on a community which lives in landed properties with strata titles.
Guarded neighbourhoods are houses with individual land titles, where the “guarded” factor is not based on the provisions of any law or regulation but exists only on an ‘ad-hoc’ basis with the agreement of residents in a neighbourhood.
Officially, common services such as security and rubbish disposal would be handled by the police and the municipal authorities, since the roads within the development are still public road reserves, unless the residents’ association opts to implement a joint private contract.
Therefore, it would be misleading to market a development with individual titles as a gated community, or “gated and guarded”. It is especially misleading when a developer offers such security services for a certain amount of time only for this precedent not to be followed upon.
Of course, it seems that insult is added to injury when the developer still owns several units and refuses to pay for the shares of these units. The developer would imaginably suffer in the long run, however, as if the development suffers, the value of the developer’s units would also fall.
It would seem as if individually titled developments must be clear about their developments not being “gated and guarded” developments, as well as not promise private security services.
Posted on January 15, 2018 | 12476 views | Topic : Home & Living, News & Articles, Property News.
Gated Community (GC) vs Guarded Neighbourhood (GN)
The Ministry of Housing and Local Government, through the Town and Country Planning Department, has come up with a guideline for Gated Community and Guarded Neighborhood.
This guideline, approved by the Cabinet and the Majlis Negara bagi Kerajaan Tempatan on 28 July and 2 September 2010 respectively, will be tabled at individual State Planning Committee for adoption and implementation at the state level.
The table below is a summary of the differences between a Gated Community (GC) and Guarded Neighborhood (GN).
Gated Community (With Strata Title)
A group of residents or community living within a gated and guarded residential area, be it high-rise property such as apartment, condominium or townhouses or landed property such as bungalows, terrace or semi-detached houses with strata titles.
· Limited to urban areas.
· Size of the scheme is between 1ha and 10ha, or 200-500 units.
· Schemes larger than 10ha needs to be broken into smaller schemes.
· Cannot build embankment that separates GC and non GC completely.
· Social impact assessment must be done.
· Allocate space for interaction in the environmental design.
· Managed by a Management Corporation.
· Prepare two entrance-exit points, one as main entrance and the other for emergency.
· Perimeter fencing of height not more than 9 feet, with at least 50% visible.
· Entrance equipped by CCTV and road humps.
· Boom gate cannot be erected on public roads.
· Guardhouse size of 1.8m x 2.4m is allowed to be built within the GC.
· The houses cannot be more than 4 levels (18.5 meters) from basement.
· Visitor’s parking must be allocated.
· Provision of common facilities.
Guarded Neighbourhood (w/ Individual Title)
A partially or fully controlled area in existing or new housing schemes with individual land titles. The schemes provide security with or without guardhouses. Cannot place physical obstacles on the roads and stop residents and the public from exiting and entering the areas.
· Limited to urban areas, in particular, areas with high crime rate.
· Local councils can control the number of units in a scheme to ensure proper control and effective management.
· Not allowed in neighbourhood with public facilities, or part of public bus route.
· Establishment of GN needs to be proposed by registered Residents Association and
· supported by majority of the residents and submitted to local councils.
· Perimeter fencing is not allowed.
· Temporary physical obstacles, such as manual boom gate, cones, etc, can be considered
· provided guards are stationed at the locations 24 hours.
· Closing of backlanes and sidelines is prohibited.
· Guardhouse size not bigger than 1.8m x 2.4m is allowed.
· If permanent guardhouse is to be erected on road shoulders, a Temporary Occupation
· License (TOL) must be obtained from the land office.
· Guards need to registered with Home Ministry.
Source: The Starmetro,
Thursday 14th Oct 2010
To All Residents (Home Owners/Tenants) of Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang:
Please be informed that the implementation of the Auto Card Access system by the irresponsible RA is unlawful/illegal as they do not have the consent of all the residents here. (They need 100% consent from the residents before they can implement this card access system as required by MPKlang). If they want to implement this scheme, make sure they follow the rule of law first.
Many of the residents here are now fuming over the RA’s selfish agenda, causing lots of grievances and inconveniences to non-participating residents. If you are being stopped by the “guard” at the autogate from entering your own residence because you do not have their automatic card access, this is what you should do:
1. Tell him you are a resident here, not a visitor – they have no right to ask for your details/register each time you are coming home. They have no right to stop you. Tell him you will have to make a police report if they don’t let you in.
2. Please make a police report at the nearest Balai Polis Bukit Raja Klang Utara (Tel: 03-3345 2222)
3. Either lodge in a public complaint (e-aduan) to MPKlang or do it at the MPKlang counter there. You can also e-mail your complaint directly to the President of MPKlang.. [] and the Menteri Besar of Selangor.. []
4. Automatic Card Access System is already being prohibited by all the local councils (eg. MBSA, MBPJ, MPKlang) unless the Persatuan Penduduk (RA) has 100% consent from all the residents which they do not have. Not even close.
5. Do not be fooled by your RA into joining the above mentioned schemes blindly as this entire Sime Darby Bandar Bukit Raja is not under “Strata-Title Act” and is not a gazetted “Gated and Guarded” residential zone. The persatuan penduduk (RA) cannot force you to join their highly questionable scheme hiring their own “security services”. (Proper RA can only enforce it under Strata Title developments i.e: high-rise & certain exclusive neighbourhoods eg. Eco Ardence, Eco Park).
6. The RA committee members here have been taking advantage of, intimidating and bullying the residents for their selfish agenda and we cannot let this continue. They have broken all the guidelines, laws, rules and regulations set by the authorities (the Local Council and State Housing Board). The hiring of “security guards” here are also questionable as they do not have the proper uniform. It is very likely that they do not have the proper licence and other stringent requirements from the Ministry of Home Affairs such as undergoing background checks and urine tests by PDRM.
7. Most of the rules and regulations provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on the hiring of security guards by the RA are NOT followed. (SYARAT-SYARAT LESEN DI BAWAH SEKSYEN 3 AKTA NO. 27/71 UNTUK MENGURUS AGENSI PERSENDIRIAN KAWALAN, Lampiran 1: Pengambilan Pekerja dan Pengawal) - Garis Panduan Perancangan ‘Gated Community and Guarded Neighbourhood’ yang diterbitkan di Malaysia Oleh Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa.
8. There were many reports from the newspapers that suggest that some residence associations (RA) are believed to be linked to syndicates. Providing "security services" seems to be very lucrative and easy money for these gangs. Residents were being coerced to set up RA to implement Guarded Neighbourhood (GN) scheme even before checking with the local police OCPD (PDRM) on whether their residence sits on a "high crime zone".
9. It's time to leave these security matters back to our PDRM as we do not trust any security guards nor any RA. Our neighbourhood security is beyond any RA, as it lies with the local, state & federal government levels. We hope that you would be better informed and would make the right decisions for all your neighbours. Right now the residents concerned have very little awareness or knowledge on this issue. Know your rights and the facts. We have to put a stop to this unscrupulous practice right now. There are many of us here that feel we have been “cheated”. In fact more and more residents are awaking up to this unscrupulous money-making scheme.
We also want the RoS to audit the accounts of RAs that take in cash payments every month as the amount paid by each household to their RA far exceed the assessment fees and quit rent payable to their local council! At a time when the government is trying to address the rising cost of living, we must also learn not to waste our money on such dodgy scheme. Say "TAK NAK" to “GnG” scheme! Get back your freedom before it’s too late!
Important Info – Related Newspaper Articles
Gangsters fighting over turf for "security services"
SECURITY companies provide the service of securing business premises, housing estates and other places, seeking to deny entry to trespassers. Reports of late, however, indicate that they are not what they make themselves out to be.
The recent attack on security guards in Bukit Raja, Klang, where one fatality was recorded and several others were injured, is just the tip of the iceberg. According to police, the motive behind this incident could be gangsters fighting over turf.
This is not the first time security guards have been attacked with the intention of intimidating residents, giving residents the impression that the security company they hired is incompetent. The result is a changing of the guards, so to speak.
The inspector-general of police, meanwhile, in relation to the recent attack, urged the public not to be pressured by gangsters offering security services, but instead, report the matter to the police.
It is strange how there is a sudden proliferation of guarded communities in many neighbourhoods in the Klang Valley. Could it be that the upmarket “gated community” concept has snob appeal and is being emulated more for prestige than fighting crime?
Malaysia has always been a peaceful country where restrictions on movement imposed by fear is alien. Even the police have undertaken a low-profile approach to community policing.
It is strange how there is a sudden proliferation of guarded communities in many neighbourhoods in the Klang Valley. Could it be that the upmarket “gated community” concept has snob appeal and is being emulated more for prestige than fighting crime?
Malaysia has always been a peaceful country where restrictions on movement imposed by fear is alien. Even the police have undertaken a low-profile approach to community policing.
Or, is it a case of gangsters creating an atmosphere of insecurity ripe for their picking? That is, the protection racket has been honed to perfection: pay the crooks protection money by way of hiring their unregistered companies.
In short, racketeering has taken a legitimate veneer. The home minister said that licensed companies have been bought over by triads and criminals under the cover of which crimes are organised.
This was confirmed by the inspector-general of police and the Security Services Association of Malaysia. Whatever the answer, the security industry is, without a doubt, booming. However, the incidence of crimes committed by security guards themselves are of urgent concern, like the murder of an AmBank officer two years ago by an illegal foreign security guard, who robbed the very bank he was hired to protect. Soon after that incident, the authorities promised a clampdown to ensure all security companies are licensed and their guards legal and risk-free.
These companies were expected to submit their employees for police screening and training. The police have made themselves ready but the companies are shying away. More terrible is the number of unregistered companies plying the trade, hiring any Tom, Dick and Harry as guards.
Indeed, these men should be tracked down, but why hire them in the first place? Fear is no excuse. Residents can come together and, with the help of the police, keep neighbourhoods safe.
The Rukun Tetangga, when properly organised, can act as a 24/7 neighbourhood watch.
In short, racketeering has taken a legitimate veneer. The home minister said that licensed companies have been bought over by triads and criminals under the cover of which crimes are organised.
This was confirmed by the inspector-general of police and the Security Services Association of Malaysia. Whatever the answer, the security industry is, without a doubt, booming. However, the incidence of crimes committed by security guards themselves are of urgent concern, like the murder of an AmBank officer two years ago by an illegal foreign security guard, who robbed the very bank he was hired to protect. Soon after that incident, the authorities promised a clampdown to ensure all security companies are licensed and their guards legal and risk-free.
These companies were expected to submit their employees for police screening and training. The police have made themselves ready but the companies are shying away. More terrible is the number of unregistered companies plying the trade, hiring any Tom, Dick and Harry as guards.
Indeed, these men should be tracked down, but why hire them in the first place? Fear is no excuse. Residents can come together and, with the help of the police, keep neighbourhoods safe.
The Rukun Tetangga, when properly organised, can act as a 24/7 neighbourhood watch.
NST - April 22, 2015 @ 12:00pm
Malaysia gangsters legitimise protection racket through security guard services
Residents in guarded communities are being forced to pay protection money - to their security guards.
Many of these guards are nothing more than gangsters who are legitimising their protection racket under the guise of providing security. Residents are effectively paying to protect themselves from those who stand guard.
Even the Security Services Association of Malaysia (PPKKM) admits that many of its member companies are backed by gangs.
Several residents associations (RAs) in Klang Valley are trapped with the gang-linked thugs or ex-convicts as guards. Office bearers of some RAs claimed they were forced to continue hiring these companies after being threatened that gangsters would cause problems if their services were terminated.
There have also been cases of fights between rival groups vying for the security business. The most recent case involving a turf war among gangsters in Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang had left one security guard dead and six others injured.
There have also been cases of fights between rival groups vying for the security business. The most recent case involving a turf war among gangsters in Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang had left one security guard dead and six others injured.
If they control many areas, the profits are big. That’s why gangs expand their territories and end up clashing with rivals for control”. A representative who spoke on anonymity, said many associations were enticed by gang-linked companies.
An RA chairman said when his neighbourhood was being patrolled by a suspected gang-linked company. A security industry veteran, who handles several RA contracts in the Klang Valley, said his clients found it difficult to get rid of gang-linked guards.
An RA chairman said when his neighbourhood was being patrolled by a suspected gang-linked company. A security industry veteran, who handles several RA contracts in the Klang Valley, said his clients found it difficult to get rid of gang-linked guards.
"One RA asked me to take over from a gang but I declined. No one dares to take over from a gang, it is something we don't want to get involved in," he said. He said there was no certain way for an RA to check if a company had underworld backing or not, as most are operated under the licences of bigger security companies.
Community Policing Malaysia Kuan Chee Heng said RAs should vet potential security providers with the police to avoid paying protection money to the gangs.
Community Policing Malaysia Kuan Chee Heng said RAs should vet potential security providers with the police to avoid paying protection money to the gangs.
PUBLISHEDMAY 18, 2015, 11:53 AM SGT
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